Curate This

Curate This

761 Products
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Axel The Gay Astronaut Aesthetic Art Print - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Amira The Lesbian Astronaut Aesthetic Art Print - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Alex - Lesbian Cowgirl Art Print - Wlw Sapphic Queerart - 40’x40’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Anahita - Gay Cowgirl Art Print - Persian Sapphic Queerart - 40’x40’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Baihu - Gay Chinese Cowboy Art Print - Gaysian Queerart Dandy - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork
Dorjee - Gay Asian Cowboy Art Print - Tibet Gaysian Queerart - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Farzad - Gay Arabic Cowboy Art Print - Homosexual Queerart - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Angel The Transgender Cowboy - F2m Dandy Latinx Outlaw Art - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Apollo - Gay Black Cowboy Art - Afroamerican Queerart Dandy - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Caesar - Gay Black Cowboy Art Print - African Queerart Dandy - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art
Fulin - Gay Cowboy Art Print - Gaysian Chinese Queerart Dandy - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork
Arjuna - Gay India Cowboy Art Print - Hindu Queerart Dandy - 30’x30’ - Posters Prints & Visual Artwork - Aesthetic Art

Wall Art FAQs

Think about it: a blank wall, a canvas waiting for some magic! Here, in this collection, you'll find art that leaps off the paper, that makes you want to run your fingers over the textured paper, feel the weight of the frame in your hands. These aren't just prints, they're portals to other worlds, to the raw energy of the artist's soul laid bare for all to see.

And let's talk about that paper — not some flimsy, mass-produced stuff. This stuff has got texture, a tactile quality that makes the colors sing. The inks? Eco-friendly, sure, but so vibrant they'll make your heart skip a beat. You won't just be looking at art, you'll be breathing it in, feeling it reverberate through your whole body.

And the frames – they ain't just slapped together in some factory. These bad boys are built to last, crafted with the care and precision of a bygone era. Think strong, elegant lines, the warm gleam of real wood…they're like armor for your art, ensuring it'll shine for generations to come.

This isn't just about owning a pretty thing. By choosing this kind of art, the kind with sustainable materials and mindful creation, you're making a statement. A rebellion against mediocrity...

Care Instructions

These archival grade fine art prints are all produced on archival grade, museum quality paper — an industry measurement of how long an image will last without its colour fading or changing tones. If cared for correctly, your print should remain bright and vivid for decades.

Still, some basic precautions are in order, because all prints fade over time. It doesn't matter what process was used to make the print. So here are a few tips to keep your new wall art looking fresh and lustrous for as long as possible:

  • These fine art prints are fingerprint resistant, but natural skin oils or other contaminants can transfer to the print. I recommend you wash and dry your hands before touching them.
  • Use both hands and support the back of the art print when picking it up.
  • Never attempt to rub the surface of the image with your finger or fingernail as this could scratch the surface of the print.
  • Do not write on the back of the print. Inks and pens can penetrate the surface and damage them. Use a soft pencil (B grade) instead.
  • Dust with a clean, dry, soft rag.
  • Never use cleaning products or water as this may permanently damage the print.
  • Glazing is important to protect the print from various types of damage resulting from sources such as smoke, ozone, cooking fumes and human touch or abrasion.
  • Glass is best. It is inexpensive, easy to cut, chemically inert, and resistant to scratches.
  • Framing will provide protection by shielding against dirt, dust, pollution and temperature changes. I strongly recommend acid free frames, matts and other materials.
  • I do not recommend that you use glues, sprays or adhesive tapes on your photographs to secure them in a frame. Archival quality corner mounts are the best method of securing your prints.
  • Unmounted prints are especially vulnerable to crescent moon-shaped creases. Always lift the print by opposite corners (for example, top left and bottom right), letting the print gently bow or sag in the middle.
  • Never hang your print in direct sunlight, regardless of the type of glazing or frame that's used. Color prints are more vulnerable and will fade faster than black-and-white.
  • Avoid extreme fluctuations in moisture and temperature. Excessive fluctuations between dryness and humidity, or extreme heat and cold can negatively affect the state of your print. Heat can speed up the degradation of the paper. If the humidity is too high, be on the lookout for mould.

Orders + Shipping

Any treasure you find here can be shipped to:

North America

Canada, Mexico, Continental United States

South America

Argentina, Brazil


Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City

Middle East & Asia

Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam


South Africa


Australia, New Zealand

Every order tracked so you can watch your treasure move from A to B to You.

Sent carbon neutral at no extra charge. Helping you gain peace of mind your money's being kind.

Orders to the rest of the world are coming as soon as I can!

Free shipping for orders over $50

$5-10 shipping for orders less than $50 delivering to the countries below

North America: Canada, Mexico and the Continental United States

South America: Argentina, Brazil

Europe: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City

Middle East & Asia: Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam

Africa: South Africa

Oceania: Australia, New Zealand

Average order processing: 

1-4 days. Over 65% of orders get shipped in 72hr and over 90% in 5 business days or less.


Average shipping times:

USA: 2-5 days — Canada: 3-8 days — UK: 2-5 days — Europe: 3-6 days — Australia: 2-5 days — New Zealand: 3-8 days — Rest of the world: 2-4 weeks

Returns and Exchanges

1. You're welcome to open a return / exchange request within 30 days of your order's delivery. All items for return must be delivered back in their original condition, with their original packaging included.

2. No guarantees your return will be approved if you send items back to before the approval of your return request

3. No returns, refunds or exchanges on discounted or sale items

Learn more about my step-by-step returns process.