I helped thousands of people laugh, cry, and be inspired by stories from some of Australia's best writers. Longest running podcast on Australian playwrights & their work.
• iTunes new and notable for 3 months
• 41k downloads and counting on Podbean alone
• Listen to my favorite episodes below — free and accessible for teachers, students, and theatre nerds alike
30min with playwrights talking about their work.
Lovers of Australian theatre.
• Short, sharp, rich episodes.
• Insights straight from the source.
• Talk to playwrights and theatre-makers about their work, to better understand the creative process.
• Hear respected voices of Australian theatre share their inspiration, ideas on narrative, building character, dramaturgy and more.
• Gain insight into the minds of Australia's finest writers.
My Role
Creator, Producer and Host
Created Not in Print format
— Concentrated conversations: a single play unpacked and dissected over 30min. In conversation with the playwrights themselves: insights on classics straight from the source.
— Guests included an array of Australia's theatrical luminaries, inc. Andrew Bovell, Lally Katz, Kate Mulvany, Louis Nowra, Debra Oswald, Alana Valentine and David Williamson.
— Producer and host for 40+ episodes.
— Performed readings of introductions and critical analyses.
Most episodes explored a single play script in conversation with the playwright who wrote it
Respected voices of Australian theatre discussing their inspiration and creative process. Sharing ideas on narrative, building character and dramaturgy. Unlocking trade secrets and so much more.
Each episode balanced the script in question with a broader masterclass
Not to mention thought-provoking discussions about our wider world. The series expanded to include readings of introductions to scripts and other critical analyses, casting extra layers of insight upon classic Australian theatre. Extending the work's resonance and we're all the richer for it.
Beyond Scripts
Conceiving the Not in Print format was easy. I knew there was more to Australian theatre than meets the eye. And Currency Press has access to the greatest playwrights in the country. So it all seemed simple, really. These respected voices share what inspires them creatively: how they get ideas; where narrative comes into it (especially when creating ensemble pieces); why building character should be done carefully before moving ahead — and many other secrets still worth discovering...