In the vast expanse of the cosmos, we find Thea, the Space Nymph. She is a celestial being of immense power and wisdom, her existence a testament to the enduring allure of magic and witchcraft. These forces, though maligned and misunderstood for centuries, have never truly disappeared. They persist, challenging the rigid binaries of monotheistic religions with their fluidity and transcendence.

Thea's celestial abode, a palace suspended in the cosmos, is a sanctuary free from the moral strictures and conventions of an either-or world. Here, she is not bound by the limitations of earthly existence. Her potions and tools, symbols of her magical prowess, are all drawn by the force of her divine inspiration.

Thea's story is deeply rooted in ancient Greek mythology. Known as the Titaness of sight and the shining ether of the bright, blue sky, she is a beacon of light in the vast darkness of the cosmos. Thea is the offspring of Uranus and Gaia, the primordial deities of the sky and the earth. Alongside her brother and consort, Hyperion, she birthed the sun god Helios, the moon goddess Selene, and the dawn goddess Eos. This lineage underscores her role as the progenitor of light, a symbol of clarity and enlightenment.

Toby Leon
Tagged: Art