In the depths of a forsaken cathedral, I rediscover Circe, the enigmatic sorceress who turned Ulysses' men into pigs. Now unshackled from ancient mythos and reborn as a hedonistic fashion icon at the height of her powers. Amidst a fiery landscape of giant wildflowers, Circe the Phoenix Maker embraces her newfound powers. Igniting the human spirit into majestic, winged creatures all bound to her will through a dance of life and death, creation and destruction. And in the man suspended here in transformation, on the cusp of becoming what he wanted and what he dreads, we find a metaphor for this unending cycle. Playing out in an abandoned cathedral now reinhabited by Circe's pagan roots. Fusing the sacred and the profane with irony because so much of our monotheistic history draws on pagan mythology. And in this cathedral, amidst the decadence and the divine, Circe's metamorphosis can become a reflection of our own — back through time and into the future...
Toby Leon
Tagged: Art