Lazy Nerd Explainer: Art Consignment Agreements for Emerging Artists

Lazy Nerd解释器:新兴艺术家的艺术寄售协议




托运人/艺术家和收货人/画廊的联系方式包括在艺术家的托运协议中,以建立托运过程中的两党之间的明确而专业的关系。此信息对于沟通,文档和法律目的至关重要。在寄售协议中,托运人(艺术家)将其艺术品交给了收货人(画廊)进行展览和销售。该协议概述了 关系条款和条件,包括双方的责任和权利,寄售期限,佣金结构和其他重要规定.


此外,在协议中拥有双方的联系方式允许 正确的文档和记录保存,这对于跟踪销售,付款和寄售过程的其他方面至关重要.  


艺术家寄售协议中的托运持续时间条款是一个重要组成部分,概述了托运人(艺术家)将其艺术品托付给收货人(画廊)进行展览和销售的时间。该条款有助于双方了解他们的 承诺和期望 在寄售过程中。

货物的持续时间可能会因艺术家与画廊之间的协议而异。它的范围从几个月到一年或更长时间. 该持续时间应在协议中明确指定,以避免以后任何混乱或争议。

寄售协议中的续订选项允许艺术家和画廊在最初的学期未出售艺术品,可以延长货物期。续签选项可以由画廊酌情决定,也可以由双方共同达成共识. 必须在协议中包括续签选项,以提供灵活性,并确保双方对自己的权利和义务有清晰的了解,以防万一艺术品在最初的寄售期内未售出。



  1. 清晰度和透明度: 提供有关每件艺术品的详细信息,可以帮助艺术家和画廊确切地了解所委托的内容。这样可以防止由于沟通不畅或缺乏信息而引起的误解和争议。
  2. 法律保护: 如果存在争议或法律事务,则拥有及其详细信息的全面委托艺术品清单,可以作为艺术家与画廊之间达成协议的证据。
  3. 记录保存和文档: 一份详细的托运艺术品列表有助于双方在画廊拥有的艺术品中保持准确的记录。这对于跟踪寄售过程的销售,付款和其他方面至关重要。
  4. 保险和估值: 在协议中包含每件艺术品的保险价值,有助于确定艺术品在画廊拥有时的适当覆盖范围。在造成损害,盗窃或其他事件的情况下,这可以保护艺术家和画廊。



  1. 对销售价格的清晰了解: 在协议中包括每件艺术品的销售价格,可确保艺术家和画廊都清楚地了解所委托艺术品的价值。这有助于避免与定价有关的误解和争议。
  2. 避免对折扣的困惑: 指定画廊可以提供VIP的最大折扣有助于防止在画廊可以在多大程度上降低特殊客户的艺术品价格的程度上的混乱和分歧。这确保双方都知道折扣的限制,并可以相应地管理他们的期望。



  1. 财务透明度: 清楚地指定协议中的委员会分裂确保艺术家和画廊都对各自销售收益的股份都有透明的了解。这有助于避免与财务问题有关的误解和争议。
  2. 画廊的激励措施: 委员会的分裂为画廊提供了积极宣传和出售艺术家作品的动力。公平的委员会分拆确保了画廊有动力投资于营销和销售货物的艺术品的时间,精力和资源。
  3. 对艺术家的公平补偿: 委员会的分裂确保艺术家获得相当一部分的销售收益,并承认他们对艺术品的创造性和贡献。这有助于保持艺术家与画廊之间的积极和互惠互利的关系。
  4. 定制和谈判: 可以根据艺术家和画廊的特定需求和偏好来协商和定制委员会分裂。允许双方达成最适合其个人要求和期望的协议。但这不是常态。大多数画廊已经对委员会进行了明确的划分,并为随着时间的推移而证明自己是成功和可分享的艺术家保留了谈判。
  5. 法律保护: 包括委员会在寄售协议中分配的委员会是一份具有法律约束力的文件,概述了艺术家与画廊之间的财务安排。如果存在争议或法律事务,委员会分裂条款提供了协议条款的证据,并可以帮助保护双方的利益。



  1. 付款截止日期: 付款时间表条款应指定何时需要在出售艺术品后付艺术家付款。例如,可能要求画廊在销售后30天内向艺术家付款。
  2. 分期付款: 如果艺术品是分期付款的,则付款时间线条款应概述如何与画廊收到的分期付款付款有关。例如,艺术家可以收到他们的付款份额,因为收藏家每分期付款。
  3. 批准或信贷的销售: 付款时间表条款应解决以批准或信贷出售艺术品的情况。在这种情况下,只有在买家完全支付艺术品后,才可能要求画廊支付艺术家。
  4. 终止和付款: 如果终止了寄售协议,则付款时间线条款应指定何时要求画廊向艺术家支付任何未偿还的销售收益。





  1. 运输和处理职责: 该协议应清楚概述艺术家和画廊关于艺术品的包装,运输和处理的责任。这可能包括指定谁负责与运输和处理相关的费用,以及包装材料或方法的任何特殊要求。
  2. 运输过程中损失的风险: 该协议应解决过境期间损失或损坏艺术品的风险。这可能涉及指定哪一方负责在运输过程中确保艺术品并确定运输过程中发生的任何损害的责任程度。
  3. 保险范围: 该协议应包括有关托管艺术品在画廊拥有时的保险范围的详细信息。这可能涉及指定保险单的类型(例如美术保险),承保范围限制和可扣除额。可能还要求艺术家为其艺术品提供自己的保险。
  4. 损失或损害的责任: 该协议应清楚地说明画廊对托运艺术品的任何损失或损害的责任的程度。这可能涉及指定画廊的责任,以偿还艺术家在损失或损害的情况下为艺术品的全部价值,或概述画廊责任的任何限制。
  5. 损害或损失的通知: 该协议应包括一项条款,要求画廊在托运艺术品造成任何损害或损失的情况下立即通知艺术家。这使艺术家可以采取适当的行动,例如提出保险索赔或寻求法律追索权。



  1. 营销渠道: 该条款应指定画廊将用来推广艺术家作品的营销渠道,例如社交媒体平台,电子邮件新闻通讯,新闻稿和在线广告。
  2. 营销工作: 该条款应详细介绍画廊的营销工作,包括促销活动的频率,要共享的内容类型以及计划展示艺术家作品的任何特定的活动或活动。
  3. 与艺术家合作: 该条款还可以概述艺术家在营销工作中与画廊合作的程度,例如提供图像,艺术家陈述或参加访谈和活动。
  4. 报告和沟通: 该条款应在艺术家和画廊之间制定沟通计划,包括定期更新营销活动及其结果,以及基于绩效的营销策略的任何调整。


  1. 研究与谈判: 研究画廊针对其他艺术家的营销工作,并使用此信息在您的寄售协议中谈判一项全面的营销条款。
  2. 提供高质量的材料: 向画廊提供高质量的图像,艺术家报表和其他促销材料,以帮助他们有效销售您的作品。
  3. 协作和交流: 与画廊保持开放的沟通,以讨论营销策略,分享想法并就其努力提供反馈。
  4. 监视和评估: 定期评估画廊的营销工作及其对艺术品的知名度和销售的影响。如有必要,请与画廊讨论对营销策略的调整,以改善结果。记住他们有自己的做事方式,因此您的调整建议需要尊重自己的品牌认同,就像您的声誉一样。









Berliner Cohen LLP艺术家寄售协议


Harriette Estel Berman寄售合同










Selling art on consignment is a process where an artist (consignor) provides their artwork to a gallery or retailer (consignee) with the intention of selling it. The artist retains ownership of the artwork until it is sold, at which point the gallery or retailer receives a percentage of the sale proceeds as commission. This arrangement allows artists to showcase and sell their work without the expense of a large brick-and-mortar store, while galleries can have inventory without purchasing large quantities of goods that may never sell.

In a consignment agreement, both parties should clearly outline their responsibilities, such as shipping and handling, insurance coverage, and payment terms. The agreement should also include details about the artwork, such as title, year, medium, dimensions, and insurance values, as well as the sales price and maximum discount that the gallery can offer.

The marketing clause in a consignment agreement is crucial, as it outlines the gallery's responsibilities and efforts to promote and sell the consigned artworks. This ensures that the gallery actively markets the artist's work, increasing its visibility and potential for sales.

Artists can benefit from consignment sales by receiving a higher percentage of the sale proceeds compared to selling their work outright to a dealer. However, there are risks involved, such as not getting paid until the artwork is sold, and the possibility of incurring additional costs if the artwork does not sell.

To successfully sell art on consignment, artists should research potential galleries or retailers, negotiate a fair consignment agreement, provide high-quality promotional materials, and maintain open communication with the gallery throughout the process.

In most cases, the gallery provides the consignment agreement, as they typically have a standard agreement that they use for all their consignments. However, both the artist and the gallery should review and negotiate the terms of the agreement to ensure that it meets their individual needs and expectations.

It is essential for both parties to be involved in the process and to reach a mutually beneficial agreement that outlines their respective rights, responsibilities, and expectations.

If necessary, the artist can consult with an attorney or seek professional advice to ensure that the consignment agreement is fair and protects their interests.

If you don't understand a term in the consignment agreement, it is important to seek clarification before signing the agreement. Here are some steps you can take to better understand the terms:

  1. Ask the gallery: Reach out to the gallery or the person who provided the agreement and ask for clarification on the specific term you don't understand. They should be able to explain the term and its implications in the context of the agreement.
  2. Conduct research: Look up the term online or in legal resources to gain a better understanding of its meaning and how it applies to consignment agreements.
  3. Consult with peers: Reach out to fellow artists or individuals who have experience with consignment agreements to get their perspective and understanding of the term.
  4. Seek professional advice: If you are still unsure about the term or its implications, consider consulting with an attorney or a legal expert who specializes in art law or contract law. They can help you understand the term and advise you on whether it is fair and appropriate for your situation.

Remember, it is crucial to fully understand the terms of a consignment agreement before signing it, as it is a legally binding document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of both the artist and the gallery. Ensuring that you understand all the terms will help protect your interests and avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

If your art is on consignment at a gallery and you have a consignment agreement with the gallery, the allocation of shipping costs should be outlined in the agreement. In many cases, the artist (consignor) is responsible for the shipping costs when sending the artwork to the gallery, while the gallery may cover the costs when shipping the artwork to the buyer. However, this can vary depending on the specific terms of your consignment agreement.

It is essential to review your agreement to determine the exact allocation of shipping costs between you and the gallery. If the agreement does not clearly address this issue, consider discussing it with the gallery to reach a mutual understanding and potentially amend the agreement to include this information.

Yes, you can create your own consignment agreement. While galleries often provide a standard consignment agreement, you can create your own if you prefer. To create a consignment agreement, you can use templates available online or consult with an attorney or legal expert who specializes in art law or contract law to help you draft a customized agreement that meets your needs and protects your interests.

When creating a consignment agreement, make sure to include essential elements such as the description of the artwork, consignment terms, payment terms, shipping and insurance clauses, marketing efforts, and any other relevant terms and conditions.

It is crucial to ensure that the agreement is comprehensive and clearly outlines the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of both the artist and the gallery.