Exquisite Corpse: The Collaborative Surrealist Technique





  • 1925年在巴黎蒙帕纳斯的安德烈·布雷顿(Andre Breton)的住所发明。以及Marcel Duchamp,JacquesPrévert,Yves Tanguy和BenjaminPéret等艺术家。
  • 类似于旧的客厅游戏,称为“后果”,玩家依次在纸上写或绘制,将其折叠以掩盖写作或绘画的一部分,然后将其传递给下一个玩家以进一步贡献。
  • 布雷顿(Breton)写道,游戏是绕过有意识的思想并利用无意识的创意过程的一种方式。
  • 超现实主义者制作了许多精致的尸体图纸,并在整个1920年代和30年代都使用了艺术品和著作中的技术。

Cadavre Eapquisqu,也被称为“精美尸体”,是由法国超现实主义艺术家AndréBreton和他的朋友在1925年发明的一款绘图游戏。这个名字来自“ Le Cadavre Eapquer Eapquip boira boira le vin nouveau”一词喝新葡萄酒”),这是他们玩游戏时创建的第一句话。





超现实主义运动的领导者安德烈·布雷顿(AndréBreton)创作了最著名的精美尸体艺术品之一。 1938年,布雷顿组织了一场精致的尸体游戏,其中要求参与者创建女性的图画。由此被称为“ Cadavre精美”的作品是一系列四个图纸,显示了该女性身体的不同部分。每个图纸都是由另一个艺术家完成的,最终结果是对女人的超现实和色情描述。



  1. 聚集一群有兴趣玩精美尸体的朋友。
  2. 确定将使用的介质(例如绘画,绘画,写作)。
  3. 决定艺术品或故事的主题或主题。
  4. 确定每个人将贡献的顺序。
  5. 每个人首先要贡献艺术品或故事的一部分,而没有看到其他人的贡献。
  6. 将艺术品或故事传递给下一个人。
  7. 每个人仅根据上一个人的贡献而增加​​艺术品或故事。
  8. 重复步骤6和7,直到艺术品或故事完成为止。






如前所述,“ Cadavre Eapquis”是最著名的精美尸体艺术品之一。它是由安德烈·布雷顿(AndréBreton)于1938年创建的 由安德烈·布雷顿(AndréBreton),努斯·埃鲁德(Nusch Eluard),瓦伦丁·雨果(Valentine Hugo)和保罗·埃鲁德(Paul Eluard) k从床单背面的铭文中,在安德烈·布雷顿(AndréBreton)的手中。艺术品是一系列四个图纸,描绘了女人身体的不同部位。每个图纸都是由另一个艺术家完成的,没有看到其他艺术家的贡献。 p泰特收藏的艺术,它是在纸上使用石墨制成的.

曼雷(Man Ray)

这部精致的尸体艺术品是由1927年的美国艺术家曼·雷(Man Ray)创作的。这是一系列四张照片,显示出扭曲的人脸。这些照片是通过在不使用相机的情况下折叠和操纵一张摄影纸来创建的。

Max Ernst的“精美尸体”

这款精致的尸体艺术品是由Max Ernst在1926年创作的。这幅画展示了具有奇怪生物和物体的超现实风景。这幅画是通过将不同的图像拼贴在一起而不考虑传统观点或构图而创建的。




精致的尸体技术是一种有趣而独特的方法 创造艺术。它使艺术家和作家能够合作,创作出意想不到的,不可预测的作品,反映出对非理性和潜意识的超现实主义兴趣。通过遵循本文概述的分步方法,您可以与朋友一起玩精美的尸体,并创建自己的超现实和奇异的艺术品。


The term "Exquisite Corpse" refers to a collaborative creative method that originated among Surrealist artists in the 1920s. It involves a collection of words or images assembled by multiple participants, with each collaborator adding to the composition in sequence. The process can follow a specific rule or allow participants to see only the end of the previous person's contribution. The name "Exquisite Corpse" comes from the French term "cadavre exquis," which was derived from a phrase that resulted when the Surrealists first played the game: "le cadavre exquis boira le vin nouveau" (the exquisite corpse will drink the new wine).

This method was invented in 1925 in Paris by Surrealist artists Yves Tanguy, Jacques Prévert, André Breton, and Marcel Duchamp. It gained popularity as a game in which participants took turns writing or drawing on a sheet of paper, folding it to conceal their contribution, and then passing it to the next player for further contribution. The Exquisite Corpse technique has been used by various artists since its inception and has inspired numerous creative projects, including films, music, and trailers.

The goal of Exquisite Corpse art is to stimulate creativity through collaboration and engage the unconscious mind in the creative process. By having multiple participants contribute to a drawing or a piece of writing without seeing the entirety of the previous contributions, the resulting composition becomes a unique and unexpected combination of ideas and styles. This method allows artists to bypass their thinking mind and create art that is more intuitive, bizarre, and surprising. It also fosters a non-competitive and non-precious atmosphere, as no single person can claim authorship of the final piece, encouraging bonding and shared experiences among the participants.

Exquisite Corpse art has influenced other art movements and creative fields in various ways. Although it originated among Surrealist artists, its collaborative and unpredictable nature has made it appealing to a wide range of artists and creators. Here are some ways Exquisite Corpse art has influenced other art movements and fields:

  1. Encouraging collaboration: Exquisite Corpse art promotes collaboration among artists, breaking down the barriers of individualism and fostering a sense of shared creativity. This collaborative approach has been adopted by other art movements and creative fields, encouraging artists to work together and create unique, collective works.
  2. Embracing chance and unpredictability: The element of chance and unpredictability in Exquisite Corpse art has inspired artists to embrace spontaneity and the unexpected in their work. This approach has influenced other art movements, such as Abstract Expressionism, which also values the role of chance and spontaneity in the creative process.
  3. Inspiring interdisciplinary works: Exquisite Corpse art has inspired creators in various fields, such as film, music, and theater, to adopt its collaborative and unpredictable nature. For example, some playwrights have used the Exquisite Corpse technique to create plays that explore the Surrealist philosophy of collective creative enterprise.
  4. Challenging traditional artistic processes: The Exquisite Corpse technique challenges traditional artistic processes by emphasizing the importance of multiple authorship, sequencing, and chance in the creative process. This approach has influenced other art movements and creative fields to experiment with new methods and techniques, pushing the boundaries of what is considered "art".

Overall, Exquisite Corpse art has had a significant impact on various art movements and creative fields by promoting collaboration, embracing chance and unpredictability, inspiring interdisciplinary works, and challenging traditional artistic processes.

Yes, Exquisite Corpse can be played with various mediums, including drawing, writing, photography, music, and film. The collaborative nature of the game allows for adaptation to different creative fields, making it a versatile method for fostering creativity and collaboration among artists and creators. Examples of Exquisite Corpse in different mediums include:

  1. Drawing: Participants take turns drawing sections of a figure on a sheet of paper, folding it to conceal their contribution, and passing it to the next player.
  2. Writing: Participants write a word or sentence on a sheet of paper, fold it to conceal their contribution, and pass it to the next player.
  3. Photography: Participants can recreate or base their images on a chosen archival photograph, creating a new composition inspired by the original.
  4. Music: Musicians can create separate tracks or sections of a song without knowing what the others have created, and then combine them to form a unique composition.
  5. Film: Filmmakers can create separate scenes or shots without knowing the content of the others' work, and then combine them to form a unique and unexpected narrative.

The adaptability of Exquisite Corpse to various mediums makes it an engaging and stimulating method for artists and creators to collaborate and explore their creativity.

The general rules for playing Exquisite Corpse involve collaboration and concealment of previous contributions. While specific rules may vary depending on the medium used (drawing, writing, photography, etc.), the core principles remain the same:

  1. Multiple participants: Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative game that requires two or more people to contribute to a single composition.
  2. Sequential contributions: Each participant adds to the composition in sequence, building upon the previous person's contribution without seeing the entirety of it.
  3. Concealment: To maintain the element of surprise and unpredictability, each participant's contribution is hidden from the next person, usually by folding the paper or using a similar method.
  4. Revealing the final piece: Once all participants have contributed, the final composition is revealed, showcasing a unique and unexpected combination of ideas and styles.

These general rules can be adapted to various mediums, such as drawing, writing, photography, music, and film, allowing for a versatile and engaging creative experience.