Moth Man: How William Forsell Kirby Revolutionized Entomology


什么是手工装饰? 阅读 蛾人:威廉·福塞尔柯比如何革命昆虫学 1 分钟 下一个 成为一名超越陈词滥调和刻板印象的成功艺术家

探索William Forsell Kirby的生活与作品

威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby) 是一个开创性的 英国昆虫学家 谁的作品 维多利亚时代的昆虫学 对该领域产生了重大影响。他被公认为是 昆虫分类,分类学和研究,他的贡献仍然与今天有关。

柯比(Kirby)于1844年出生于英格兰莱斯特(Leicester) 自然历史 从年轻时候开始。他通过学习昆虫学来追求自己的热情,导致了漫长而杰出的职业 英国昆虫学家.

柯比(Kirby)的作品 自然历史昆虫研究 广泛而开创性。他撰写了几个值得注意的 昆虫学作品 并发现了对昆虫在自然世界中作用的理解的重大发现。

本文将仔细研究 威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby),强调他对 维多利亚时代的昆虫学, 昆虫分类, 昆虫学作品, 自然历史, 和 昆虫研究.


    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby),著名的 英国昆虫学家,生于1844年1月7日。在维多利亚时代,柯比在英格兰长大,被对自然史和昆虫学的兴趣蓬勃发展。


    柯比(Kirby)在剑桥三一学院(Trinity College)接受了教育,在那里他在著名的昆虫学家阿尔伯特·古恩特(AlbertGünther)的指导下学习。贡瑟的影响力对柯比来说是无价的,因为他还教他如何正确地对昆虫进行分类和研究,使他踏上成为著名的昆虫学家本人的道路。


    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)为昆虫学领域做出了重大贡献,尤其是在昆虫分类和分类学领域。他广泛地写了 昆虫研究,产生许多 昆虫学作品 这有助于促进维多利亚时代对昆虫的理解。

    柯比对昆虫学的影响 英国昆虫学家 不能被夸大。他在昆虫分类方面的工作涉及根据其特征对昆虫进行分组,这是开创性的,并为现代分类学奠定了基础。柯比(Kirby)的分类系统是如此全面,以至于当今昆虫学家仍然使用它。

    除了在分类方面的工作外,柯比还对各种昆虫进行了广泛的研究,他在昆虫学作品中记录了这类昆虫。这些作品包括对昆虫及其生命周期的详细描述,以及有助于识别的插图。他的一些著名作品包括“欧洲 蝴蝶飞蛾,““昼夜鳞翅目的同义目录”和“已故威廉·查普曼·休伊特森(William Chapman Hewitson)成立的昼夜鳞翅目集合的目录”。

    柯比对昆虫学的贡献并未引起人们的注意。他于1898年被授予皇家园艺学会的维多利亚奖章,并于1901年当选为皇家学会的院士。为了纪念他的成就,有几种昆虫以他的名字命名,包括柯比的掉落(Trithemis kirbyi)和柯比的。白脉船长(Heliopetes Kirbyi)。


    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)除了对昆虫学的重要贡献外,还是一位狂热的自然历史学家和昆虫爱好者。他对自然世界的终生热情超越了昆虫,并涵盖了广泛的物种和生态系统。



    柯比(Kirby)也对 蝴蝶飞蛾。他撰写了几本有关该主题的书,其中包括著名的“鳞翅目订单的手册”。



    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)是昆虫学领域的开创性人物,尤其是在他的工作中 蝴蝶飞蛾。即使在今天,他对这两个物种的理解的贡献仍然显着。





    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)不仅是一位著名的昆虫学家,而且是一个信仰的人,他对科学与神学之间的兼容性进行了思考。作为支持者 有神论的进化,他认为进化是 兼容的 与上帝的存在。在他看来,科学和信仰不是相互排斥的,甚至可以共存,甚至相互补充。

    柯比的信念 有神论的进化 在他的作品中反映了,特别是在他的书中 “关于自然史的研究”,在他写道:“科学的事实是上帝的话,宗教是代表人类对他们的解释。”通过建立科学与信仰之间的联系,他的目的是打破两者之间的矛盾,表明他们可以和谐地共存。

    柯比相信这一点 有神论的进化 是一种将进化论的科学理论与对神圣创造者的信念调和的一种方式。他坚持认为,上帝利用进化作为创造手段的观念与进化的科学证据并不矛盾。柯比(Kirby)对有神论进化的看法是因为他对科学和神学领域的深入了解,使他成为这个主题上最受尊敬的声音之一。

    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)通过他作为昆虫学家的工作以及对有神论进化的信念,证明了科学和信仰确实可以在没有冲突的情况下共存。他是当时的杰出人物,他对科学与神学之间兼容性的看法继续激发和影响科学家和神学家。


    威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)是一位英国昆虫学家,在昆虫研究领域留下了不可磨灭的印记。他的贡献 维多利亚时代的昆虫学,昆虫分类和自然历史已得到广泛认可和庆祝。柯比(Kirby)在理解蝴蝶和飞蛾方面的重要著作提高了我们对这些物种及其在生态系统中的作用的了解。除了他的科学贡献外,威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)还以他对有神论进化以及科学与信仰之间兼容性的看法而闻名。

    作为 英国昆虫学家,柯比认为科学理论和宗教信仰可以共存,而信仰和理性并非相互排斥。柯比(Kirby)的遗产继续影响科学界,他的作品今天仍被引用和研究。他在昆虫学领域仍然是一个杰出的人物,他对昆虫研究的热情和奉献精神为后代树立了一个榜样。

    总之,威廉·福塞尔·柯比(William Forsell Kirby)的生活和工作对自然史和昆虫学领域产生了深远的影响。他对昆虫研究的重大贡献使我们对周围世界的理解提高了我们的理解。柯比(Kirby)作为一名开创性的英国昆虫学家的遗产将永远被人们铭记和庆祝。


    William Forsell Kirby (14 January 1844 – 20 November 1912) was an English entomologist and folklorist. Born in Leicester, he was the eldest son of Samuel Kirby, a banker. Kirby was educated privately and developed an interest in butterflies and moths at an early age.

    Kirby's career in entomology began when he published the Manual of European Butterflies in 1862. In 1867, he became a curator in the Museum of the Royal Dublin Society and produced a Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera (1871; Supplement 1877). In 1879, Kirby joined the staff of the British Museum (Natural History) as an assistant, after the death of Frederick Smith. He published a number of catalogues, as well as Rhopalocera Exotica (1887–1897) and an Elementary Text-book of Entomology. He also did important work on orthopteroid insects including a three-volume Catalogue of all known species (1904, 1906, 1910).

    Kirby had a wide range of interests and was known for his linguistic skills. He knew many languages and fully translated Finland's national epic, the Kalevala, from Finnish into English. Kirby's translation, which carefully reproduces the Kalevala meter, was a major influence on the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, who first read it in his teens. Kirby also provided many footnotes to Sir Richard Burton's translation of the Arabian Nights.

    In addition to his work in entomology, Kirby was an advocate of theistic evolution. In his book Evolution and Natural Theology, he argued that evolution and theism are compatible. He noted that creationism was scientifically untenable and refuted its arguments. He viewed nature as a "vast self-adjusting machine".

    Kirby retired in 1909 and passed away on 20th November 1912 in Chiswick, after a short illness. He is remembered as a kind, modest, humorous, and thoughtful man whose “never tiring assistance to all who required help or counsel endeared him to a large circle of friends and acquaintances”.

    William Forsell Kirby (1844-1912) was an English entomologist who made significant contributions to the field of entomology. Some of his notable works include:

    1. Manual of European Butterflies (1862): This was his first published work, which provided information on European butterflies.
    2. Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera (1871; Supplement 1877): This catalogue made him famous in the world of entomology.
    3. Rhopalocera Exotica (1887–1897): A work on exotic butterflies.
    4. Elementary Text-book of Entomology (1885): A popular book on entomology for beginners.
    5. Catalogue of all known species of orthopteroid insects (1904, 1906, 1910): A three-volume work that documented all known species of orthopteroid insects at the time.

    Kirby's work in entomology was extensive, and he published numerous scientific papers, catalogues, and popular books on the subject. His research and publications significantly advanced the understanding of various insect groups, particularly butterflies and moths.

    One of his most significant works was the "Monographia Apum Angliae" (Monograph on the Bees of England), published in 1802. This was the first scientific treatise on English bees and brought Kirby to the attention of leading entomologists in Britain and abroad. The treatise included the identification of 153 bee species, including Lasioglossum malachurum, from Kirby's own parish.

    Another major contribution by Kirby was his four-volume work "Introduction to Entomology," which he began planning in 1808 and published between 1815 and 1826. This work, co-authored with William Spence, is considered foundational in the field of entomology. The book was so influential that it reached its seventh edition in 1856.

    Kirby also played a significant role in the establishment of various institutions. He helped to establish an early museum in Ipswich under the aegis of the town's Literary Institute and presented a herbarium and a group of fossils. Along with Spence, he helped to found the Entomological Society of London in 1833, and he served as its Honorary President for life.

    In addition to his work on bees and the broader field of entomology, Kirby also made significant contributions to the study of butterflies and moths. He published the "Manual of European Butterflies" in 1862 and produced a "Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera" in 1871. His work on butterflies and moths provided a comprehensive guide for collectors and amateur naturalists, with detailed illustrations of each insect and the plants they typically inhabit.

    William Forsell Kirby was an advocate for theistic evolution. In his book "Evolution and Natural Theology," he argued that the theories of evolution and theism are not mutually exclusive but can coexist harmoniously. This perspective adds a philosophical layer to his scientific endeavors, indicating a broader intellectual landscape.

    We offer a variety of products featuring the artwork of William Forsell Kirby:

    1. Fine Art Prints: These prints feature illustrations from Kirby's works on European butterflies and moths, such as European Butterflies and Moths 3, European Butterflies and Moths 2, and European Butterflies and Moths. The prints are made using enhanced matte fine art paper and water-based inks, providing a museum-quality reproduction of Kirby's artwork.
    2. Phone Cases: The website offers phone cases with designs based on Kirby's illustrations of European butterflies and moths. These cases are available for various iPhone and Samsung models and come in both gloss and matte finishes.
    3. Cushions: we also offer cushions featuring Kirby's artwork of European butterflies and moths. The cushion comes with a pillow insert and is made from a linen/canvas feel material.

    These products allow fans of William Forsell Kirby's artwork to incorporate his beautiful illustrations into their daily lives, whether as wall art, phone accessories, or home decor items...