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Who Is Toby Leon?

Chi è Toby Leon?

I'm a jack of all trades, master of some. That used to be a bad thing. Considered reckless by many. Most, in fact. Lacking consistency. Unreliable. Without a north star. Now, almost 30 years into this recklessness, it's become my greatest asset.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Like A Local

Come un locale

I wrote over 60 reviews of Sydney's culinary scene, nightlife & shopping highlights. Introducing aspects of my home to the world they won't find in guidebooks—beyond the sun, surf and postcards.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Not In Print

Non in stampa

I helped thousands of people laugh, cry, and be inspired by stories from some of Australia's finest playwrights. Guests included Andrew Bovell, Lally Katz, Kate Mulvany, Louis Nowra, Debra Oswald, Alana Valentine and David Williamson.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
M.C.L Lookbooks

M.C.L Lookbooks

In an industry fixated on trends, my role was to make Matthew's vision shine, which means rich and thoughtful copy. Matthew and I pushed the envelope, whether we were showcasing his latest collection or avant-garde archive in a new light.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Jandamarra App

App Jandamarra

I helped bring theatre studies to life. Curating the digital extension of Steve Hawke's play: on stage, behind the scenes and in production. In a culturally illuminating, emotionally stirring, and linguistically captivating extension of his story.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Cue The Chorus

Entra il coro

I worked with 17 renowned playwrights to reframe famous plays via potent, visceral, personal responses. A take on theatre we don't get nearly enough: celebrated voices honoring, dissecting, and elevating the classics through today's lens.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Can Your Agency

Può la tua agenzia

Digital marketing agencies rely on keeping you in house. My A - B solutions set CEOs free. Think big-business reach, minus the infrastructure. Wrap all that up, and what have you got? Your very own Swiss Army Knife.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
The Doll iOS App

L'app bambola iOS

A holistic, curated experience of Australia's most well known play, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll by Ray Lawler. Ground-breaking, multi-award winning iOS app extending the play's resonance within the Australian dramatic canon.


Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Jewelled Garden

Giardino ingioiellato

Acclaimed jewellery designer, Matthew Campbell Laurenza spent 3 years on this art project that brings to life 15 unique sculptures inspired by flora and fauna. I crafted an origin story for each resident, and produced the collection's lookbook.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Secret River App

Secret River App

I helped the world of theatre studies evolve with the introduction of the Secret River enhanced eBook. A rich new chapter for this contemporary classic by Andrew Bovell, adapted from Kate Grenville's novel.

Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Staging Asylum

Staging asilo

Ho contribuito a dare vita a questa antologia delle sceneggiature stratificando contenuti curati di studiosi, politici e richiedenti asilo.
Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects
Wall 2 Wall

Parete 2 Parete

Concorso annuale di murales che ho concepito, proposto e coordinato per l'anno inaugurale
Toby Leon
Taggato: Projects