Lasting Legacy of The Germ Periodical









細菌はその内容と構造が異なっていました。それぞれの問題は、兄弟愛のメンバーによるオリジナルのエッチングから始まり、詩、歴史的および批判的なエッセイ、時折の書評のコレクションが続きました。これらの作品は、グループが賞賛し、エミュレートしようとした初期のイタリアのアーティストを含むさまざまなトピックをカバーしました。定期刊行物の究極の目標は、アーティストや作家のコミュニティを育てることでした。 抱きしめられた性質、シンプルさ、そして彼らの仕事の真実。




  1. 最初の号のウールナーの詩「マイ・ビューティフル・レディ」のウィリアム・ホルマン・ハントのイラスト。
  2. ジェームズ・コリンソンの第2号の彼の詩「子供イエス」に対する自己イラスト化。
  3. フォードマドックスブラウンのリア王と彼の娘の2ページの描写は、第3号の歴史絵画の仕組みに関する彼の記事に伴いました。
  4. 最終号でのシェークスピアの12番目の夜からのヴィオラとオリビアのウォルター・デベレルの描写。




定期刊行物の最も注目すべき貢献の中には、ダンテとウィリアム・マイケルの姉妹であるクリスティーナ・ロセッティの詩がありました。 「エレン・アレン」という仮名の下で出版された彼女の詩は、彼女の初期のキャリアを垣間見ることができ、主に男性主導の出版物にユニークな女性の視点を追加しました。



寿命は短いにもかかわらず、胚は芸術と文学の世界に永続的な印象を残しました。 1898年、Van Gelder Handmade Paperに印刷された450コピーの限定版が、米国メイン州ポートランドのThomas B. Mosherによって発行されました。この特別版には、4つのボリュームの生殖量すべてが含まれており、その永続的な重要性を強調しています。




生殖は、ラファエルの前の同胞団の芸術と文学の融合に対するコミットメント、そして自然、シンプルさ、真実への献身を実証しました。これらのテーマに定期的に焦点を当てたことは、動きを形作るだけでなく、 将来の世代の芸術家や作家に影響を与えました 同様の理想を探求する。






The primary goal of The Germ periodical was to disseminate the ideas of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of English painters, poets, and art critics founded in 1848 2. The magazine, published in 1850, aimed to emphasize the editors' belief that poetry and art should be closely intertwined and focused on the importance of nature and the human imagination 1.

The Germ featured poetry, essays on art and literature, and contributions from both members and non-members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, such as Christina Rossetti, Coventry Patmore, and Ford Madox Brown 3.

Although the magazine only survived for four issues between January and April 1850, it played a significant role in promoting the Pre-Raphaelite movement's ideas and artistic vision 1.

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded in 1848 by three Royal Academy students: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt, and John Everett Millais1. The group was formed in reaction against the Royal Academy's promotion of the Renaissance master Raphael and the artificial historical painting of the time 2. They sought to express a new moral seriousness and sincerity in their works, drawing inspiration from Italian art of the 14th and 15th centuries 1. The name "Pre-Raphaelite" expressed their admiration for the direct and uncomplicated depiction of nature typical of Italian painting before the High Renaissance, particularly before the time of Raphael 1.

The founding members were soon joined by James Collinson and Frederic George Stephens (both painters), William Michael Rossetti (a poet and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's brother), and Thomas Woolner (a sculptor and poet) 13. The Brotherhood was not a hereditary school, and its members were not related by blood; instead, they were united by their artistic vision and goals 7.

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood emphasized the importance of each artist's interpretation and agency, focusing on having genuine ideas to express, studying nature attentively, and rejecting the traditional techniques and compositions of the Royal Academy 14. Their works often featured religious, literary, or moralizing themes, and they were inspired by the simpler world of early Christian art from the 14th century 14.

Although the original Brotherhood only existed for about five years, the term "Pre-Raphaelite" persisted and was widely used in Britain for many years 3. The influence of the Pre-Raphaelites lived on in many artists and artistic movements, even after the Brotherhood disbanded 5.

The Germ periodical was published for only four issues between January and April 1850. The magazine was established by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood to disseminate their ideas and featured poetry, essays on art and literature, and contributions from both members and non-members of the Brotherhood. Despite its short run, The Germ played a significant role in promoting the Pre-Raphaelite movement's ideas and artistic vision 1.

The Germ periodical struggled with poor sales for several reasons. First, the magazine's content and style did not resonate with the general public, as it was primarily focused on the ideas and works of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of artists and writers with a specific artistic vision 2. The magazine's content included poetry, essays on art and literature, and contributions from both members and non-members of the Brotherhood, which may not have appealed to a broader audience 1.

Second, the magazine faced logistical and financial challenges. The initial print run of 700 copies for the first issue resulted in only 70 copies sold, and the print run was reduced for later editions, but sales did not improve 7. The financial losses were largely borne by George Tupper, who had a stake in the publication 7.

Lastly, the magazine's short run of only four issues between January and April 1850 may have contributed to its lack of success, as it did not have enough time to establish a strong presence in the market and attract a wider readership 1. Despite its poor sales, The Germ played a significant role in promoting the Pre-Raphaelite movement's ideas and artistic vision 1.

The significance of Christina Rossetti's contributions to The Germ lies in her role as the sole female contributor to the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's periodical, which aimed to disseminate their ideas on art and literature 6.

Christina Rossetti, sister of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, one of the founding members of the Brotherhood, contributed seven poems to The Germ under the pseudonym "Ellen Alleyne"13. Her involvement in the publication not only showcased her poetic talent but also demonstrated the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's openness to including works by non-members and women in their artistic endeavors 1.

Christina Rossetti's poetry in The Germ adhered to the Pre-Raphaelite aesthetic, characterized by rich detail, symbolism, and intense feeling 17. Her contributions to the periodical helped to promote the Pre-Raphaelite movement's ideas and artistic vision, despite the magazine's short run of only four issues 1. Furthermore, her involvement in The Germ and her close association with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood solidified her place as an important figure in the Pre-Raphaelite movement 9.





Kelmscott Pressは、1891年にWilliam Morrisによって設立されたプライベートマスコミでした。Morrisは、伝統的な技術を使用して設計および印刷された美しい本を作成する方法としてマスコミを設立しました。マスコミは、高品質の職人技と細部への注意で知られており、芸術と工芸運動の最も美しく影響力のある本のいくつかを生み出しました。 Geoffrey Chaucerの「Canterbury Tales」の豪華な図解版であるKelmscott Chaucerは、おそらくマスコミの最も有名な作品です。

