What Exactly Is Fair Trade?

Adil ticaret tam olarak nedir?

Adil ticaret nedir, nasıl çalışır ve neden önemlidir?

Adil ticaret, gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki üreticilerin adil fiyatlar, güvenli çalışma koşulları ve adil ticaret ilişkileri almasını sağlayarak sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı ve sosyal adaleti teşvik etmeyi amaçlayan küresel bir harekettir. Dezavantajlı toplulukların geçim kaynaklarını iyileştirmeleri için güçlendirirken, uluslararası ticarette şeffaflığı ve hesap verebilirliği savunur. Bu makalede, adil ticaretle ilgili tarihi, ilkeleri, sertifikaları ve ürünleri, etkisini ve onu destekleme yollarını araştıracağız.

Adil Ticaret Tarihi

1. Köken

Kökleri Ticaret Fuarı Sivil toplum kuruluşlarının ve sosyal olarak bilinçli işletmelerin ekonomik kalkınmalarını desteklemek için fakir bölgelerden el sanatları ithal etmeye başladığı 1940'ların sonlarına kadar uzanabilir. Kavram, geleneksel ticaret uygulamalarının doğasında var olan eşitsizlikleri ele almaya çalışan daha geniş alternatif ticaret hareketinin bir parçası olarak 1960'larda ve 1970'lerde ivme kazandı.

2. Adil ticaret hareketinin büyümesi

Adil ticaret hareketi, çeşitli sertifika sistemlerinin kurulması ve adil ticaret ürünlerinin genişletilmesi ile 1980'lerde ve 1990'larda önemli ölçüde büyüdü. Bugün, daha etik ve sürdürülebilir bir ticaret sistemini savunan küresel bir üreticiler, işletmeler ve tüketiciler ağıdır.

Adil Ticaret İlkeleri

1. Fiyat istikrarı

Adil ticaret, üreticileri değişken piyasa dalgalanmalarından koruyarak ürünler için asgari bir fiyat garanti eder. Bu istikrar, işlerine, topluluklarına ve geleceğine yatırım yapmalarını sağlar.

2. Adil işgücü uygulamaları

Adil ticaret, iyi çalışma koşullarını, adil ücretleri ve çocuğun veya zorla çalışmanın yasaklanmasını vurgular. İşçilere sendikalar kurma ve daha iyi koşullar için toplu olarak pazarlık yapmalarını sağlar.

3. Çevresel sürdürülebilirlik

Adil Ticaret, sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamalarını, kaynakların korunmasını ve zararlı kimyasalların azaltılmasını teşvik eder. Organik tarımı ve sorumlu atık yönetimini teşvik eder.

Adil Ticaret Sertifikası

1. Fairtrade International

Fairtrade International, küresel standartları belirleyen ve uyumlulukları izleyen önde gelen bir sertifika organıdır. Fairtrade işareti, adil ticaret ürünlerinin yaygın olarak tanınan bir sembolüdür.

2. Dünya Adil Ticaret Örgütü

Dünya Adil Ticaret Örgütü (WFTO), üreticilerden perakendecilere kadar tüm tedarik zincirine odaklanan başka bir sertifika organıdır. WFTO üyeleri 10 adil ticaret ilkesine uymalıdır.

Adil ticaret ürünleri

1. Kahve

Kahve, milyonlarca küçük ölçekli çiftçi ve işçi adil fiyatlardan ve iyileştirilmiş çalışma koşullarından yararlanan en tanınmış adil ticaret ürünüdür. Adil ticaret kahvesi, çevre dostu uygulamalar kullanılarak yetiştirilir ve endüstrinin uzun vadeli sürdürülebilirliğini sağlar.

2. Çikolata

Adil Ticaret Çikolatası, çiftçilerin fasulye için adil bir fiyat almasını sağlayarak etik kakao üretimini teşvik eder. Ayrıca kakao endüstrisinde yaygın olan çocuk işçiliği ve ormansızlaşma gibi konuları da ele almaktadır.

3. Çay

TEA, sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamalarına bağlı ve yaprakları için adil fiyatlar alan sertifikalı üreticilerle birlikte bir başka popüler adil ticaret ürünüdür. Adil Ticaret Çayı, Hindistan, Sri Lanka ve Kenya gibi ülkelerdeki binlerce çiftçinin ve işçinin geçim kaynaklarını desteklemektedir.

4. muz

Adil ticaret muzları, yetiştiricilerin meyveleri için adil bir fiyat almasını ve güvenli koşullarda çalışmasını sağlar. Sertifikalı üreticiler ayrıca, zararlı kimyasalların kullanımını azaltarak ve biyolojik çeşitliliği teşvik ederek çevre dostu uygulamaları takip etmelidir.

5. El Sanatları

Giyim, aksesuar ve ev eşyaları gibi el sanatları genellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde zanaatkârlar tarafından yapılır. Adil Ticaret Sertifikasyonu bunları sağlar zanaatkârlar adil ücret alır ve geleneksel zanaat ve teknikleri korurken güvenli koşullarda çalışın.

Adil ticaretin etkisi

1. Ekonomik Faydalar

Adil Ticaret, üreticilerin istikrarlı bir gelir elde etmesine yardımcı olur ve işlerine ve topluluklarına yatırım yapmalarını sağlar. Bu finansal istikrar yoksulluğu azaltır, yerel ekonomileri teşvik eder ve uzun vadeli büyümeyi teşvik eder.

2. Sosyal Faydalar

Adil işçileri teşvik ederek ve işçileri güçlendirerek, adil ticaret gelişmekte olan ülkelerde iyileştirilmiş sosyal koşullara katkıda bulunur. Milyonlarca insanın hayatını doğrudan etkileyen eğitim, sağlık hizmetleri ve toplum geliştirme projelerini desteklemektedir.

3. Çevresel faydalar

Sürdürülebilir tarım uygulamaları sayesinde adil ticaret, tarımın çevresel etkisini azaltır. Organik çiftçiliği teşvik eder, ekosistemleri korur ve sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltarak iklim değişikliğini azaltır.

Adil ticaretin eleştirileri ve zorlukları

Olumlu etkisine rağmen, adil ticaret, sertifikasyon sistemlerinin etkinliği ve vicdansız işletmelerin sömürü potansiyeli ile ilgili endişeler de dahil olmak üzere bazı eleştirilerle karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Ayrıca, adil ticaret ürünleri ile ilişkili daha yüksek maliyetler bazı tüketiciler için bir engel olabilir.

Adil Ticaret Nasıl Desteklenir

Tüketiciler, sertifikalı ürünler satın alarak, kendilerini ve diğerlerini hareket hakkında eğiterek ve adil ve sürdürülebilir ticaret uygulamalarını teşvik eden politikaları savunarak adil ticareti destekleyebilir.


Adil ticaret, küresel ticaret sistemindeki eşitsizlikleri ve adaletsizlikleri ele almayı amaçlayan önemli bir harekettir. Destekleyerek Ticaret Fuarı Ürünler ve girişimler, daha adil, sürdürülebilir ve adil bir dünyaya katkıda bulunabiliriz.


Fair trade is a trading partnership that seeks greater equity in international trade. It is based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, and it contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to marginalized producers and workers, especially in developing countries.

Fair trade enables farmers and workers to have more control over their lives and decide how to invest in their future. Fairtrade supports and challenges businesses and governments and connects farmers and workers with the people who buy their products.

Fair trade commodities are import/export goods that are certified by a fair trade certification organization such as Fair Trade USA or World Fair Trade Organization. By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions. A product with the FAIRTRADE Mark means producers and businesses have met internationally agreed standards that have been independently certified.

Fair trade is a trading partnership that seeks greater equity in international trade. It is based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, and it contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to marginalized producers and workers, especially in developing countries.

Fair trade enables farmers and workers to have more control over their lives and decide how to invest in their future. Fair trade commodities are import/export goods that are certified by a fair trade certification organization such as Fair Trade USA or World Fair Trade Organization.

By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions. A fair trade product means producers and businesses have met agreed standards that have been independently certified. Fair trade can be seen in both companies and products. Here are some examples of fair trade products:

  • Bananas: Fairtrade works with banana farmers and workers to create sustainable livelihoods.
  • Cocoa: Fairtrade works with cocoa farmers to improve their bargaining position as well as their businesses and communities.
  • Coffee: Fairtrade works with coffee farmers to ensure they receive a fair price for their coffee beans.
  • Sugar: Fairtrade works with small-scale sugar cane farmers to improve their bargaining position as well as their businesses and communities.
  • Tea: Fairtrade works to improve the difficult conditions that workers and farmers in the multi-billion dollar tea industry face.
  • Cotton: Fairtrade works to improve the challenging conditions under which cotton is often produced.
  • Fruit/Juices: Fairtrade covers an enormous variety of vegetables, offering small-scale farmers and plantation workers new opportunities.

Here are some examples of fair trade companies:

  • Fair Trade USA: An independent, nonprofit organization that sets standards, certifies, and labels products that promote sustainable livelihoods for farmers and workers and protect the environment.
  • Equal Exchange: A business that pioneered the model of connecting consumers to producers and supporting worker-owned co-ops.
  • Ben & Jerry's: An ice cream company that uses fair trade ingredients in their products.

These are just a few examples of fair trade products and companies. By choosing to support fair trade, consumers can help create positive change in the world.

Fair trade certification is a process by which independent organizations certify that a product has been produced and traded according to specific social, economic, and environmental criteria.

The Fairtrade Standards are designed to tackle poverty and empower producers in the poorest countries in the world. The standards apply to both producers and traders. The Fairtrade Standards incorporate a holistic blend of social, economic, and environmental criteria. The standards contain both core requirements and development requirements aimed at improvements that benefit producers and their communities.

Here are some of the criteria that must be met by producers and traders in order to acquire or retain Fairtrade certification:

  • Social criteria: Fair trade standards require that producers adhere to certain labor standards, including the prohibition of forced and child labor, the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, and safe working conditions.
  • Economic criteria: Fair trade standards require that producers receive a fair price for their products, which covers the cost of sustainable production and provides a living wage for workers. Fair trade also provides a premium, which is an additional sum of money paid to producers or workers to invest in community development projects.
  • Environmental criteria: Fair trade standards require that producers adhere to environmentally sustainable practices, including responsible water and waste management, preserving biodiversity and soil fertility, and minimal use of pesticides and agrochemicals. Fairtrade prohibits the use of several hazardous materials and all genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The Fairtrade Standards are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain relevant and effective in promoting sustainable development. The certification process is rigorous, independent, and in line with best-in-class certification practice.

By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions. A product with the FAIRTRADE Mark means producers and businesses have met internationally agreed standards that have been independently certified.

Fair trade seeks greater equity in international trade by offering better trading conditions to marginalized producers and workers. However, there are criticisms of the Fairtrade system that must be evaluated. Here are some of the key criticisms of fair trade:

  1. Harm to non-Fairtrade farmers: Critics argue that Fairtrade harms non-Fairtrade farmers. Fairtrade claims that its farmers are paid higher prices, but some research indicates that the implementation of certain fair trade standards can cause greater inequalities in some markets where these rigid rules are inappropriate for the specific market.
  2. Limited impact: The economic impact of the Fair Trade scheme on farmers and growers comes to less than $0.04 per person per day. Critics argue that Fairtrade has limited impact on poverty reduction and that it does not address the root causes of poverty.
  3. Higher costs: Fair trade products can be more expensive than conventionally produced products, due to the higher costs of ethical and sustainable production practices. Critics argue that this makes fair trade products inaccessible to lower-income households.
  4. Limited reach: Fairtrade has limited reach and only benefits a small percentage of farmers and workers in developing countries. Critics argue that fair trade is not a scalable solution to global poverty.
  5. Political coercion: Some critics argue that Fairtrade is politically motivated and that it coerces farmers and workers into complying with certain political standards.

On the other hand, free trade has its own set of criticisms. Here are some of the key criticisms of free trade:

  1. Job outsourcing: The biggest criticism of free trade agreements is that they are responsible for job outsourcing. Critics argue that free trade agreements lead to job losses in developed countries as companies move their operations to countries with lower labor costs.
  2. Unequal competition: Free trade in its current form between unequal nations is itself unequal and continues inequality as a result. Critics argue that free trade benefits developed countries at the expense of developing countries.
  3. Environmental degradation: Critics argue that free trade leads to environmental degradation as companies prioritize profits over environmental protection.
  4. Lower wages: Critics argue that free trade leads to lower wages for workers in developing countries as companies seek to cut costs.
  5. Loss of sovereignty: Critics argue that free trade agreements undermine national sovereignty by giving multinational corporations the power to sue governments for enacting laws that may harm their profits.

There are several ways to support fair trade. Here are some options:

  1. Purchase fair trade products: One of the easiest ways to support fair trade is by purchasing fair trade products. Fair trade products are import/export goods that are certified by a fair trade certification organization such as Fair Trade USA or World Fair Trade Organization. By choosing Fairtrade, people can create change through their everyday actions. A product with the FAIRTRADE Mark means producers and businesses have met internationally agreed standards that have been independently certified. Fairtrade Certified products are available at grocery stores nationwide, independent shops, and online retailers. Look for the blue and green Fairtrade logo on everything from bananas, cocoa, coffee, sugar, tea, cotton, fruit/juices, and more.
  2. Raise awareness about fair trade: Another way to support fair trade is by raising awareness about it. You can organize your own Fair Trade activity to raise awareness of the importance of trade justice, fair prices, fair wages, working conditions, and supporting the livelihoods of small producers. You can also celebrate World Fair Trade Day or World Fair Trade Week and participate in or follow international activities to know what’s the latest in Fair Trade. You can download promotional materials from the World Fair Trade Organization website. Sharing information about fair trade on social media or with friends and family can also help raise awareness.
  3. Advocate for fair trade policies: Advocating for fair trade policies can also support fair trade. The Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) speaks out on behalf of the Fair Trade Movement for Fair Trade and Trade Justice with the aim to improve the livelihoods of marginalized producers and workers in the global South. The FTAO is a joint initiative of Fairtrade International, the World Fair Trade Organization, and the World Fair Trade Organization-Europe. The FTAO calls for transforming the European Green Deal into a Global Green Deal and for Unfair Trading Practices in the textile sector. You can also learn more about public policies on Fair Trade and related policy fields.
  4. Support fair trade organizations: Supporting fair trade organizations can also help support fair trade. The Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) and Fairtrade America are two organizations that work to promote fair trade and advocate for fair trade policies. Fairtrade works to develop markets and establish collaborative trade relations between producer organizations and businesses`. Companies seeking sustainable supply chains are a critical component of the Fairtrade system – by sourcing Fairtrade products and licensing the FAIRTRADE Marks, they support farmers and workers at Fairtrade producer organizations to take more control over their own futures.